Alat TEST Permata

Is it a Diamond? A Ruby or Garnet? A Sapphire or Tanzanite?
An Emerald or Jadeite?
The Presidium Gem Tester provides the answers!!!

The Presidium Gem Tester / Color Stone Estimator
This tester provides a quick, easy, laboratory proven way to identify diamonds and separate and distinguish the most popular colored gem stones from one another. This valuable tool can eliminate human error when identifying precious gems. The Presidium Gem Testers accurate performance is based on the fact that different gem stones conduct heat at different rates. Simply touch the Gem Tester’s sophisticated Thermoelectric Probe to the surface of any mounted or loose stone and the specially calibrated dial will show you the relative heat conductivity of the material.

The Presidium Gem Tester is made under rigid quality standards. It is easy to operate and convenient to own. The lightweight portable unit is powered by two (2) ‘AA’ 1.5-Volt batteries or the AC adapter provided. Calibration is made easy with the two test discs mounted into the frame. The solid state probe pen requires no warm up time between tests and includes a built-in metal detector which will alert you if you have accidentally touched the mounting instead of the stone.
Size : L-165mm (6 1/2″) x W-77mm (3″) x H-77mm (3″)
Weight : 272gms (9.7 oz.)


  • Presidium Gem Tester with a testing probe.
  • Soft case and hard carrying case.
  • 120V/60Hz AC Adapter (U.S.).
  • Owner’s manual and tester warranty.
  • Packaging.

Harga Hanya 3.750.000,-

Stok terbatas.

24 Responses

  1. Alat yang mantaaf, akurat buat berlian dan Corundum.
    Deteksi awal batu permata.

  2. bos itu alat buat batu permata ada yg murah enga saya pemula , pengen mempelajari keaslian batu permata.. Trimakasih

  3. aku punya alat presidium gem tester tapi rusak kira kira dimana service nya mohon infonya

  4. dimana saya dpt membeli alat tes permata presidium

  5. Mau beli alat test permata yg 3,5jt ini bgmn caranya

  6. Assalamu’alaikum, Saya berminat beli Diamond Seletor II,dan bgmana caranya alat tsb bisa difungsikan utk tes safir & rubby?,wassalam

  7. Gan diamond selector bisa buat batu permata yg lain misal jambrut dll

  8. bos sy pingin beli alat tes untuk berlian tapi juga bisa untuk tes batu permata. apa nama alatnya.

  9. Gan… bolehkan menjadi resseler ? pin 261cd875

  10. saya pingin tes kekerasan batu giok alam apa nama alat tsb?

  11. Kang Wiryo..
    Berapa total harga jk mau beli Presidum gem tester, Presidium multi tester III dan timbangan karat berlian digital..?
    Matur suwun

  12. Ada yang jualin di bukalapak seharga 200an ribu itu barabgnya sama apa ga tuh gan ??

  13. Numpang Promosi
    Jual Berbagai Macam Model Cincin Berlian Pria dan Wanita
    Silahkan Kunjungi Toko Kami di

  14. Halo pak wiryo, saya mau tanya apakah ada alat test untuk kekerasan MOHS pada batu ? terima kasih.

  15. Mas… Harga moe piro?

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